Protein pairing for plant based eaters

What is a complete protein?

A complete protein is a food source that contains all 9 essential amino acids. There are actually 20 amino acids in total but 11 of them our bodies can cleverly produce themselves (non-essential amino acids) and so 9 are left that we need to get from our diet (essential amino acids). Plant based proteins are largely ‘incomplete’ except for a few lucky ones featured below. By incomplete I mean they are missing some of the essential amino acids. Conversely animal based proteins are ‘complete’, containing all the essential amino acids in a single food i.e. meat or dairy. However, by combining the right groups of plant based foods you can ensure that you are consuming the complete range of amino acids that you need as a plant based eater. Below is a table that summarises plant based protein pairing:


Why is protein so important?

Proteins have so many vital functions in the body. Whenever the body is growing, repairing or replacing tissue, proteins are involved and this is pretty much all the time. Below is a summary of some of the key functions proteins play:


Should You Eat Complementary Proteins at the Same Time?

Historically it was believed that you needed to consume a complete protein with every meal and so this protein pairing business was integral at all times. However, more recently it is now thought that as long as you eat the complementing proteins in a day or so that is also fine. With a conclusive jury still out on this though, I would advise at least aiming for a complete protein pairing plate wherever possible…and as you will find out with my examples below, its really not that hard!

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Are any plant based proteins complete?

There is some debate over this question and some say soy is the only true complete protein out there but the following sources are also referenced as complete proteins and contain all the essential amino acids:


How much do I need to worry about protein?

Generally speaking, if you eat a diverse and varied plant based diet made up of whole foods you will doing this protein pairing business already and do not need to worry but if you are new to the plant based world and in need of some support or help I do hope this article has been educating, helpful and inspiring and do let me know in the comments below what are your favourite plant based protein pairing combination recipes!


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