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"This is the third time Lily has prescribed a remedy for me. The recent one was for something which had become quite chronic and a worry. Each time I’ve had amazing reactions from Lily’s prescriptions , and the symptoms have improved significantly even within a couple of days. This most recent one cleared up after the very first dose! Feel incredibly lucky having Lily there with her amazing knowledge and kindness. For the first time in my life I’m taking better care of myself and it feels really good!"

— S.C

"Lily has been brilliant in guiding me onto an acne-free path! Her kindness and warmth made it easy to comfortably share sensitive information. We had a very thorough consultation and afterwards I was provided with (again) a very thorough report on how to action her recommendations. With Lily's combination of knowledge and kindness, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her!

— O.E

"Lily's range of herbal teas have become an integral part of my day. Not only are they beautiful and totally unique to any other tea range I have seen, but they are also the perfect support for a much needed moment to slow down and re-centre. I have found particularly Lily's sleep and calm range have supported me immensely with moving into a clearer HEAD SPACE over the last months. I recommend the teas to everyone I meet."

— D.W